Webknowlodgy Blog

Welcome to Webknowlodgy! Here’s where we chat about the web – the cool trends, the must-know tech insights, and the stuff that makes the internet tick. I’m here to share bits of knowledge, learn from our oops moments, and help you stay in the loop. Whether you’re a digital newbie or a savvy surfer, let’s explore this ever-changing web world together. Grab your coffee, and let’s get started!

  • 3 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best CMS Website Builder in 2024

    3 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best CMS Website Builder in 2024

    21 years ago, WordPress launched and quickly positioned itself as a top CMS in the market. Over the years, it has pulled many users away from Joomla—a once bloated CMS that still carries code structured from its precursor, PHPNuke. Joomla, although a respected CMS website builder, has seen its leading status wane with the latest…

  • Who and Why Must Have a Website?

    Who and Why Must Have a Website?

    Recently, I was interacting with a vendor and asked if they had a website where I could view variations of their offerings. They responded, “yes,” and proceeded to give me their Facebook page. Thinking they didn’t understand my question, I clarified, “Do you have a website, or just a Facebook page?” They quickly replied, “Just…